- Atharvaveda & Yajurveda Mantra
- Address To The Child
- Garbha - Sanrakshaka - Tantrokta Mantra
- Rigveda Mantra
- Vira - Rasa - Sanskara - Shloka
- Instrumental Music
- Aumkara - Panchatattva - Bijamantra
- Ragveda Mantra
- Samaveda Mantra
- Veena Instrumental
- Atma Sanskara Shatkam
- Ashirvachanam
- Shri Maharudra Mantra
thanks!!! the album is great
Thanks a lot for making this album available. Thanks a ton!!!
Thanks for comments
Unable to open this file with .rar extension. plz help
nisha-you have to download winrar free software for this, it is easily available on the net.
thanks! for sharing something like this
Thanks a lot for sharing such a good album
I want to purchase this album
blessing for new arrival-garbh sangeet.
how it is possible?
Thanks for sharing the download link.
Not able to download, getting an error from rapidshare.
Unable to download can n e one plz send me all d songs from this album to rodriguessteave@gmail.com
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